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Correlation Effects on the MIMO Capacity for Conformal Antennas on a Paraboloid
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 50, 1-10, 2016
The use of conformal antennas in a MIMO link scenario is investigated. Conformal slot antennas are considered both in the transmitter and the receiver. First, a new modified correlation coefficient is derived that goes beyond the Clarke coefficient and takes into account the element radiation pattern. Secondly, a hybrid formulation that accounts for the impact of the mutual coupling and the pattern dependent correlation on the capacity is presented. The mutual coupling for slots placed circumferentially on a paraboloid substrate is derived using a rigorous approach based on Uniform Theory of Diffraction (UTD). The capacity is evaluated for the case of Rayleigh fading channel considering the new pattern dependent correlation coefficient and the conformal antenna mutual coupling. The planar case is included as a limiting case. It is shown that for conformal antennas on a paraboloid the capacity degradation compared to the planar case is up to 0.5 bps/Hz due to coupling and correlation.
Christos Kalialakis, Theodoros Kaifas, and Apostolos Georgiadis, "Correlation Effects on the MIMO Capacity for Conformal Antennas on a Paraboloid," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 50, 1-10, 2016.

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