Vol. 56
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Unsupervised Synthesis of Microwave Components by Means of an Evolutionary-Based Tool Exploiting Distributed Computing Resources
, Vol. 56, 93-108, 2006
A parallel implementation of an automatic CAD tool based on the parallel virtual machine software package, genetic algorithms and finite element simulators is presented. It is shown that the parallel implementation can be obtained by developing just a few hundred lines of code and a pseudocode description is provided. Finally, selected numerical results are provided in order to show the effectiveness and the reliability of the proposed approach.
Massimo Donelli, Renzo Azaro, Andrea Massa, and Mirco Raffetto, "Unsupervised Synthesis of Microwave Components by Means of an Evolutionary-Based Tool Exploiting Distributed Computing Resources," , Vol. 56, 93-108, 2006.

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