Vol. 18
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The Novel Two Phase Field-Assisted Hybrid Srg: Magnetostatic Field Analysis, Simulation, and Experimental Confirmation
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 18, 25-42, 2009
This paper introduces a new configuration for a two phase field assisted hybrid switched reluctance generator, which can operate in motoring mode as well. This concept allows higher output power production compare to standard SRG. The proposed novel generator consists of two magnetically independent stator and rotor sets (layers), where each stator set includes four salient poles with windings wrapped around them, while the rotor comprises of two salient poles with different arc lengths and no windings. There is a stationary reel, which has the field coils wrapped around it and is placed between the two-stator sets. In this format, the developed magnetic field from the stator poles travels to the rotor then to the rotor shaft and finally completes its path via the generator housing. To evaluate the generator performance, two types of analysis, namely the numerical technique and the experimental study have been utilized. The analysis is carried out for the machine in self exited generator mode as well as field assisted mode. In the numerical analysis, the finite element analysis is employed, whereas in the experimental study, a proto-type generator has been built and tested.
Seyed Ebrahim Afjei, and Hossein Torkaman, "The Novel Two Phase Field-Assisted Hybrid Srg: Magnetostatic Field Analysis, Simulation, and Experimental Confirmation," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 18, 25-42, 2009.

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