Vol. 74
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Multiple-Arm Dipoles Reader Antenna for UHF RFID Near-Field Applications
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 74, 39-45, 2018
A multiple-arm dipoles antenna array based on magnetic coupling is proposed for ultra-high frequency (UHF) radio frequency identification (RFID) near-field applications. The design utilizes four multiple-arm dipoles to form a square region fed by a quarter-wave impedance transformer double-side parallel stripline (QDSPSL) structure. Broadband performance can be obtained for two different resonant frequencies caused by different dipole arm lengths. Moreover, in induction area, stronger and more uniform magnetic field distribution is generated for phases of currents on three dipole arms being kept in the same compared to conventional single-arm dipole. A 170 × 170 × 1.6 mm3 antenna has been fabricated on an FR-4 substrate to fit RFID near-field application. The measured 10-dB impedance bandwidth is 190 MHz (810-1000 MHz), which covers the entire UHF RFID frequency band (860-960 MHz). Measured tests on the antenna read range are carried out, exhibiting a reading region of 100 × 100 mm2 and 100% reading rate within 200 mm for near-field tags.
Kui Jin, Jingming Zheng, Xiaoxiang He, and Yang Yang, "Multiple-Arm Dipoles Reader Antenna for UHF RFID Near-Field Applications," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 74, 39-45, 2018.

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8. Zheng, J., Y. Yang, X. He, and C. Y. Mao, "A CP Antenna of wide half-power beamwidth for UHF RFID near- and far-field applications," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 72, 61-67, 2018.

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