Vol. 24
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Complex Image Solution of SAR Inside a Human Head Illuminated by a Finite-Length Dipole
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 24, 223-239, 2010
This paper uses the accurate and computationally efficient complex image technique (CIT) to find the electric field and SAR distributions inside a human head illuminated by a finite-length dipole. The human head model used consists of 3 planar layers of lossy dielectrics. The accuracy of the results is verified by comparison with HFSS software. It was found that the CIT requires about 1 minute and 16 MB of RAM, while HFSS requires about 2 hours and 1.5 GB of RAM to find the SAR distribution using a 2.19 GHz Core 2 Due PC. The CIT method can also efficiently solve other types of antennas on other planar head models.
Amjad Omar, "Complex Image Solution of SAR Inside a Human Head Illuminated by a Finite-Length Dipole," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 24, 223-239, 2010.

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