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Analytical Technique to Evaluate the Asymptotic Part of the Impedance Matrix of Microstrip Dipole on a Uniaxial Substrate
, Vol. 35, 127-139, 2002
The integral transform method with the asymptotic extraction technique is formulated to evaluate a Sommerfeld type integral for the analysis microstrip dipole on a uniaxial substrate. The infinite double integral of the asymptotic part of the impedance matrix with triangular subdomain basis function with edge condition can be reduced to a finite one-dimensional integral. This finite onedimensional integral can be easily evaluated numerically after the singular part of the integral is treated analytically. It is demonstrated the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed method to evaluate the asymptotic part of impedance matrix.
K. Li, S.-O. Park, H. Lee, J. Ma, Byung Chan Kim, and Hyung-Do Choi, "Analytical Technique to Evaluate the Asymptotic Part of the Impedance Matrix of Microstrip Dipole on a Uniaxial Substrate," , Vol. 35, 127-139, 2002.

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