Vol. 91
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Numerical Characterization of Bistatic Scattering from PEC Cylinder Partially Embedded in a Dielectric Rough Surface Interface: Horizontal Polarization
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 91, 35-51, 2009
Scattering from a two-dimensional (2-D) perfectly electrically conducting (PEC) cylinder partially embedded in a random dielectric rough surface interface is studied using the method of moments (MoM) with pulse basis functions and the point matching technique, for the case of horizontal polarization. The random rough surface is modeled using Gaussian statistical characteristic for the rough surface height and surface correlation function, and generated by the spectralmethod. The tapered plane-wave incidence is used to avoid artificial edge diffraction due to the truncation of the rough surface into finitelength rough surface in the numerical simulations. With the developed algorithms, the interactions between the dielectric rough surface and the partially buried PEC cylinder are investigated using the Monte Carlo simulation, and are expressed as a function of the root mean square (rms) height of a random dielectric rough surface and the moisture content of the soil. The numerical results show that the bistatic scattering coefficients are dependent upon the moisture content, the rms height of a rough surface, and other parameters.
Xiande Wang, and Joshua Le-Wei Li, "Numerical Characterization of Bistatic Scattering from PEC Cylinder Partially Embedded in a Dielectric Rough Surface Interface: Horizontal Polarization," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 91, 35-51, 2009.

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