Vol. 93
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The Combination of Bcgstab with Multifrontal Algorithm to Solve Febi-MLFMA Linear Systems Arising from Inhomogeneous Electromagnetic Scattering Problems
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 93, 91-105, 2009
The hybrid finite-element/boundary-integral method (FEBI) combined with the multilevel fast multipole algorithm (MLFMA) has been applied to model the three-dimensional scattering problems of inhomogeneous media. The stabilized Bi-conjugate gradient (BCGATAB) iterative solver based on the inner-looking algorithm is proposed to solve the final FEBI linear system, and the multifrontal algorithm combined with the approximate minimal degree permutation (AMD) is used for the LU decomposition of the FEM matrix. The accuracy and efficiency of the combined algorithm has been validated in the final of the paper. Numerical results show that the proposed method can greatly improve the efficiency of FEBI for scattering problems of inhomogeneous media.
Xue Wei Ping, Tie-Jun Cui, and Wei Bing Lu, "The Combination of Bcgstab with Multifrontal Algorithm to Solve Febi-MLFMA Linear Systems Arising from Inhomogeneous Electromagnetic Scattering Problems," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 93, 91-105, 2009.

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