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FDTD Analysis of Rectangular Waveguide in Receiving Mode as EMI Sensors
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 2, 291-303, 2008
Testing electronic equipment for radiated emissions requires the accurate calibration of EMI sensor. The performance of the sensor depends on its Antenna Factor (AF), which is the ratio of the incident electric field on the antenna surface to the received voltage at the load end across 50Ω resistance. The theoretical prediction of the AF of EMI sensors is a very attractive alternative if one takes into consideration the enormous expenditure and time required for calibrating a sensor experimentally. In this work, FDTD is developed to predict the performance of rectangular waveguide for EMI sensors.
Maifuz Ali, and Subrata Sanyal, "FDTD Analysis of Rectangular Waveguide in Receiving Mode as EMI Sensors," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 2, 291-303, 2008.

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