Vol. 28
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MIMO Radar Array for Termite Detection and Imaging
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 28, 75-94, 2011
In this paper, we describe the design of a hybrid 24 GHz RADAR array for termite detection and imaging. The array uses MIMO techniques to provide transmit beam steering and null steering in conjunction with the Matrix Enhanced Matrix Pencil (MEMP), which provides direction of arrival processing. We describe the selection of our MIMO orthogonal codes and test their suitability. Simulated results are shown for our array design and MIMO processing in a range of applications MIMO enables us to produce flexible nulling and beam steering for our transmitter array as well as reducing multipath re°ections and narrowband interference. MIMO processing also produces large time savings, enabling longer, more accurate acquisitions which can increase SNR. Transmitter beam-forming, produces an SNR improvement of 18.2 dB and can be used to reject clutter by up to 20 dB. Flexible nulling can reject interferers still further.
Nick W. D. Le Marshall, and Andrew Z. Tirkel, "MIMO Radar Array for Termite Detection and Imaging," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 28, 75-94, 2011.

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