Vol. 38
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Towards the Detection of Multiple Reflections in Time-Domain EM Inverse Scattering of Multi-Layered Media
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 38, 351-365, 2012
In this paper, a new theoretical approach for the classification of multiple reflections in time-domain e.m.~inverse scattering of multi-layered media is presented. The existence of multiples limits the capabilities of inversion algorithms, thus suitable identification and suppression techniques should be applied to reduce this undesired effect. Assuming a scenario composed of loss-less and non-dispersive media, and providing an accurate time delay estimation (TDE) of backscattered signals, the proposed method allows not only to evaluate the presence of multiples and discriminate them from primary reflections, but also to determine their propagation paths. Preliminary tests performed on FDTD simulated data have shown its potentialities to effectively handle multiple reflections and therefore to enhance the e.m. signals backscattered by primary reflectors.
Salvatore Caorsi, and Mattia Stasolla, "Towards the Detection of Multiple Reflections in Time-Domain EM Inverse Scattering of Multi-Layered Media," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 38, 351-365, 2012.

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