Vol. 76
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A Method for Matching Parasitic Unidirectional Electrically Small Array
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 76, 121-126, 2018
General design guidelines for unidirectional electrically small parasitic array has been proposed by several researchers; however, the input resistance of these antennas is normally very low. In order to practically ``transfer'' this high directivity into realized gain, an appropriate matching mechanism is necessary. This paper gives a simple matching method by adding an inductive stub close to the antenna feed, which can effectively increase the antenna input impedance to 50 Ω and keep the gain almost invariant. Besides, it could make the resonant frequency very close to the frequency where maximum gain occurs, thus a high realized gain can be achieved. Computed and measured examples are given to validate this method.
Ruiyang Li, Gao Wei, and Derek McNamara, "A Method for Matching Parasitic Unidirectional Electrically Small Array," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 76, 121-126, 2018.

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