Vol. 94
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A New Classifier for Polarimetric SAR Images
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 94, 83-104, 2009
This paper proposes a hybrid classifier for polarimetric SAR images. The feature sets consist of span image, the H/A/α decomposition, and the gray-level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) based texture features. Then, the features are reduced by principle component analysis (PCA). A 3-layer neural network (NN) is constructed, trained by resilient back-propagation (RPROP) method to fasten the training and early stop (ES) method to prevent the overfitting. The results of San Francisco and Flevoland site compared to Wishart Maximum Likelihood and wavelet-based method demonstrate the validness of our method in terms of confusion matrix and overall accuracy. In addition, NNs with and without PCA are compared. Results show the NN with PCA is more accurate and faster.
Yudong Zhang, Lenan Wu, and Geng Wei, "A New Classifier for Polarimetric SAR Images," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 94, 83-104, 2009.

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