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Investigation on Propagation Characteristics of Super-Gaussian Beam in Highly Nonlocal Medium
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 31, 175-188, 2011
We investigate the propagation characteristics of super-Gaussian beam in highly nonlocal nonlinear media. The optical beam propagation has been modeled by well known nonlocal nonlinear Schrődinger equation. The variational method is employed to find the initial beam propagation parameters and then split step Fourier method is used for numerical simulations. A generalized exact analytical solution of the model is obtained and critical power of soliton is determined. The evolution of super-Gaussian beam has shown oscillatory propagation.
Manoj Mishra, and Woo-Pyo Hong, "Investigation on Propagation Characteristics of Super-Gaussian Beam in Highly Nonlocal Medium," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 31, 175-188, 2011.

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