Vol. 20
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Microwave Transmission of a Hexagonal Array of Triangular Metal Patches
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 20, 219-229, 2011
The microwave transmission of hexagonal arrays consisting of patches of equilateral aluminium triangles has been experimentally studied as a function of metal occupancy (triangle size). As one would expect, at low frequencies the microwave transmission drops on passing through the connectivity threshold (50%) when the disconnected hexagonal array of metal triangles switches to a disconnected hexagonal array of equilateral holes. However, for higher frequencies resonant phenomena cause a complete reversal in this behaviour such that the transmission, on passing through the connectivity threshold, increases substantially.
G. Stevens, J. D. Edmunds, Alastair P. Hibbins, and John Roy Sambles, "Microwave Transmission of a Hexagonal Array of Triangular Metal Patches," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 20, 219-229, 2011.

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