Vol. 38
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Analysis of the Whole-Body Averaged Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) for Far-Field Exposure of an Isolated Human Body Using Cylindrical Antenna Theory
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 38, 103-112, 2014
This study proposes an accurate estimation of whole-body averaged specific absorption rate (WBA-SAR) for far-field exposure of an isolated human body in the frequency range of 10-200 MHz based on a lossy homogenous cylindrical antenna model of the human body. Equations are derived for the total induced axial current and the whole-body averaged SAR based on a rigorous treatment of cylindrical antenna theory. An explicit formula for the resonance frequency in terms of the anatomical parameters and the dielectric properties of the body is proposed for the first time. Moreover, important phenomena in far-field radio frequency (RF) dosimetry, such as, the cause of resonance and the SAR frequency characteristics are discussed from an antenna theory perspective.
Behailu Kibret, Assefa K. Teshome, and Daniel Lai, "Analysis of the Whole-Body Averaged Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) for Far-Field Exposure of an Isolated Human Body Using Cylindrical Antenna Theory," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 38, 103-112, 2014.

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