Vol. 57
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Analysis of Multi-Resonance Characteristics in Suspended Ring Antenna Applicable for IoT /WSN
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 57, 11-24, 2017
In this work, the multi-resonance behavior of a suspended ring antenna structure with a single port has been investigated. Introduction of symmetrical slots at each arm of the ring structure enables quad-band operation. The antenna yields good impedance matching at 3.4 GHz, 4.5 GHz, 5.8 GHz and 7.5 GHz with considerably high gain response up to 6 dBi. Maintaining suitable air height from the ground plane enhances the bandwidth up to 12%. This compact antenna shows bandwidths of 130 MHz, 360 MHz, 850 MHz, and 380 MHz, respectively. Each resonance claims an efficient use in next generation wireless communication within S-band and C-band radio links extensively and also applicable in WSNs/IoTs which requires a multi-functional antenna system. Theoretical analysis of the proposed antenna is investigated with the equivalent lumped circuit. The antenna element is excited using separate feed patch alongside of the ring. The antenna exhibits TM10, TM01, TM11 excitation modes at different resonances. The said antenna is implemented on an FR4 substrate with dielectric constant of 4.4, substrate thickness of h = 1.56 mm and loss tangent of tanδ=0.02. The antenna is designed with physical dimensions of 18×18×7.56 mm3 which claims its compactness.
Sraddhanjali Mohapatra, Debaprasad Barad, and Subhrakanta Behera, "Analysis of Multi-Resonance Characteristics in Suspended Ring Antenna Applicable for IoT /WSN," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 57, 11-24, 2017.

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