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Tunable Plasmonic Induced Transparency in Graphene Nanoribbon Resonators
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 75, 53-61, 2017
A plasmonic induced transparency (PIT) structure is proposed and numerically investigated using the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method, which is achieved by the destructive interference between two graphene nano ribbon resonators and the bus waveguide. The common three-level atom system is used to explore the physical origin of the PIT behavior. The simulation results show that the PIT at different modes can be excited or suppressed by choosing the proper coupling position of the resonators. The peak and bandwidth of the transparent window are controlled by the coupling distance between the resonators and the bus waveguide, and the transparent window can be freely tuned by adjusting the chemical potential of graphene. The tunable PIT effect may offer a new avenue for novel integrated optical switching and slow-light devices in THz and mid-infrared frequencies.
Huawei Zhuang, Hongkui Xu, Shulan Gong, and Yuling Wang, "Tunable Plasmonic Induced Transparency in Graphene Nanoribbon Resonators," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 75, 53-61, 2017.

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