Vol. 95
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Experimental and Computational Analysis of the Effects of Tri-Band Antennas of Wearable Smart Glasses
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 95, 91-105, 2019
The goal of this study is to analyze the effect of tri-band antennas in 2.45, 3.6, 3.8, 4.56 and 6 GHz frequencies, which cover Wi-Fi and some of the future 5G frequencies for wearable smart glasses applications. The latter 4 frequencies are studied for the first time for smart glasses. In order to provide a thorough analysis, first a simulation study for the head model with the proposed antennas is performed, then a realistic experiment by using a semi-liquid gel phantom head model with the infrared thermography method is conducted, and also 4 male subjects are included to analyze temperature rise effects on the skin. The phantom prepared for this study is also validated for its robustness and matching parameters. The SAR values and temperature rise due to the usage of smart glasses calculated by simulation modeling, bio-heat analytical solution, and infrared thermography technique are in good agreement. The temperature rise of the skin regions gets monotonically increased in the duration of usage. The simulations for all indicated frequencies are performed. Also, to provide comparable and practical results, the phantom study is compared with simulations for 2.45 GHz. According to the quantitative data obtained on the liquid-gel head phantom and on the subjects, the temperature increase is below 1ºC, and its compliance with safety standards is determined. The results show that tri-band antennas for these frequencies can be safely used; however, a limiting behavior for the power is necessary for lower frequencies due to the increasing SAR values and temperature rise.
Miraç Dilruba Geyikoğlu, Fatih Kaburcuk, and Bülent Çavusoğlu, "Experimental and Computational Analysis of the Effects of Tri-Band Antennas of Wearable Smart Glasses," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 95, 91-105, 2019.

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