Vol. 42
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3-d SAR Imaging Based RCS Measurement Technique with Fixed Transmitter
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 42, 13-20, 2015
To avoid the spatial variation of scattering characteristic effect, a three-dimensional synthetic aperture radar (3-D SAR) imaging based radar cross section (RCS) extraction technique with fixed transmitter is developed. The 3-D SAR image is used to extract targets' RCS, so it can spatially distinguish different parts of a complex object, or the targets' RCS from environment. With the abilities of outdoor measurement, it can greatly reduce the cost of measurement. Two simulations of three squares and a 3-D complex-shaped electric-large flight model demonstrate the accurate prediction of RCS.
Ke-Fei Liao, Xiao-Ling Zhang, and Jun Shi, "3-d SAR Imaging Based RCS Measurement Technique with Fixed Transmitter," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 42, 13-20, 2015.

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