Vol. 103
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Zero-Forcing Beamforming Energy Efficiency Optimization for the Security Control of Wireless Power Transfer System
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 103, 209-219, 2021
This paper proposes a zero-forcing beamforming design for the energy efficiency optimization of the magnetic resonance based wireless power transfer system with multiple transmitter coils, which aims to secure energy transfer control. A scheme based on beamforming technology is proposed to prevent unauthorized users from accessing the system, which builds a beamforming model consisting of multiple transmitter coils, a target receiver, and a non-target receiver to simulate the actual system. Then to optimize the proposed system's energy efficiency while constraining the target receiver's energy, spectral efficiency, and transmitter's power, the proposed beamforming model is constructed as an optimization problem. To solve this non-convex nonlinear fractional programming problem, the Dinkelbach algorithm is used for fractional conversion, and then the zero-forcing constraints are equivalently replaced. Finally, two solutions of the nonlinear solution and closed-form solution are derived. The simulation results show that the energy efficiency optimization strategies of zero-forcing beamforming with the two derived solutions can satisfy the design requirements.
Zhimeng Xu, Jinyu Chen, Fenli Qiu, and Yisheng Zhao, "Zero-Forcing Beamforming Energy Efficiency Optimization for the Security Control of Wireless Power Transfer System," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 103, 209-219, 2021.

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