Vol. 111
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Generalized Design Methodology of Highly Efficient Quad-Furcated Profiled Horns with Larger Apertures
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 111, 1-12, 2022
In this work we demonstrate the extended and generalized methodology for the design of Quad-Furcated Profiled Horns (Q-FPHs). Based on a design case of a 4λ0×4λ0 Q-FPH, we extract the Generalized Scattering Matrix (GSM) of the enlarged quad-furcated discontinuity and provide analytical expressions for its multimode feeding. Next, the four feeding and the upper common waveguide sections are optimized accordingly through Mode-Matching (MM). The high aperture efficiency levels delivered by the methodology are verified by full-wave simulations of the optimized design case and compared to the state-of-the-art which is thereby redefined.
Charalampos Stoumpos, Jean-Philippe Fraysse, George Goussetis, Ronan Sauleau, and Hervé Legay, "Generalized Design Methodology of Highly Efficient Quad-Furcated Profiled Horns with Larger Apertures," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 111, 1-12, 2022.

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