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Adaptive Genetic Algorithm Based Source Identification with Near-Field Scanning Method
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 9, 215-230, 2008
With the global search method of adaptive genetic algorithm (GA), an improved methodology is proposed to identify the equivalent radiating dipoles of real sources on substrates such as printed circuit boards (PCB) and then to regenerate the radiating far field. This methodology is based on a set of elemental electric- and magnetic dipoles which model the real sources. The numbers, positions and orientations as well as the elevations of each dipole are positioned by adaptive GA based on the comparison between the simulated and measured magnetic field. The methodology provides a possible way to identify the radiating source of planar circuits with ground plane.
Bing Liu, Lotfi Beghou, Lionel Pichon, and Francois Costa, "Adaptive Genetic Algorithm Based Source Identification with Near-Field Scanning Method," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 9, 215-230, 2008.

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