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Overview of RCS Extrapolation Techniques to Aircraft Targets
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 9, 249-262, 2008
In order to meet the approximate plane-wave irradiation condition, adequate large field or compact range system is needed for RCS measurement of large aircraft targets. However, an outside testing field site or a compact range system is very expensive, so some kinds of RCS extrapolation methods based on near-distance testing have been presented. In this overview, two categories of extrapolating technique are summed up, which are based on Huygens Equivalent Reradiating Source (HERS) and Inverse Synthetic Aperture Imaging (ISAI) respectively. Each method is fully elaborated. The comparison and analysis of these extrapolating techniques are discussed in detail.
Nan-Jing Li, Chu-Feng Hu, Lin-Xi Zhang, and Jia-Dong Xu, "Overview of RCS Extrapolation Techniques to Aircraft Targets," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 9, 249-262, 2008.

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