Vol. 16
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A Novel Wide-Band Microstrip Yagi-Uda Array Antenna for WLAN Applications
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 16, 389-406, 2009
This paper presents a design of Wide-Band Microstrip Yagi-Uda antenna with high gain and high front to back (F/B) ratio. Numerical and measured results of our design show more than 18dB front to back ratio at 5.5 GHz and no backward radiation at 5.2 GHz. An impedance bandwidth of 22.05% was achieved around 5.5 GHz. The antenna gain (10-12.4 dBi) can be varied to be suitable for various applications. Measured return loss and radiation pattern of this antenna is presented to validate the results of simulations by two methods. The first method based on finite element method (FEM) and the second one based on finite integral technique (FIT) were used to analyze antenna structure, and subsequently the Genetic Algorithm (GA) was applied by using HFSS simulator to obtain the optimized parameters. In order to find the best design method for this antenna, the effect of distance between the parasitic elements of proposed antenna was studied. Finally two microstrip Yagi-Uda array antennas were combined to increase the gain of antenna. To demonstrate the major benefits, a comparison of our initial and final designs of Yagi-Uda antenna is provided.
Mohammad Bemani, and Saeid Nikmehr, "A Novel Wide-Band Microstrip Yagi-Uda Array Antenna for WLAN Applications," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 16, 389-406, 2009.

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