Vol. 30
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Application of Super-SVA to Stepped-Chirp Radar Imaging with Frequency Band Gaps Between Subchirps
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 30, 71-82, 2011
It is well-known that the stepped-frequency chirp signal (SFCS) technique is one of the very effective approaches for achieving high range resolution in radar [1-5]. The SFCS is a train of subchirp pulses with up-stepped or down-stepped carrier frequencies. However, there exists a rang-Doppler coupling problem (RDCP) when applying this signal to practical radar system because longer time is needed for transmitting a complete burst compared with that needed for transmitting just a single chirp. In radar system design, if carrier frequency step (△f) can be larger than the bandwidth of subchirp (Bm), it will be very helpful for using less number of subchirps to obtain high resolution and at the same time the influence of RDCP on imaging quality can be reduced. However the spectrum of transmitted signal is not continuous but with bandwidth gaps existing when Δf > Bm, and it will finally lead to high grating lobes in range profile. In this paper, the Super-SVA technique is applied to radar signal processing to solve the grating lobe problem arisen from bandwidth gaps. Super-SVA has been proven to be a very effective method used for extrapolating signal spectrum. Simulation and experiment results for moving train imaging are presented to show that the algorithm works very well.
Wenshuai Zhai, and Yunhua Zhang, "Application of Super-SVA to Stepped-Chirp Radar Imaging with Frequency Band Gaps Between Subchirps," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 30, 71-82, 2011.

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