Vol. 34
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Printed TEM Horn Antenna Fed by Balanced Microstrip Line
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 34, 247-262, 2011
In this paper, a new kind of printed TEM horn antenna with high-gain fed by balanced microstrip line is proposed. The radiation part of the antenna (printed on the FR4 epoxy substrate) is composed of two symmetrical triangular metal foil branches fed by balanced microstrip line. The antenna has been simulated by CST MICROWAVE STUDIO® software, and the simulated results show that the proposed antenna is a kind of traveling wave antenna. Besides, an equivalent adopted V-shaped antenna model is proposed to describe the radiation characteristic of the antenna. The simulated and measured results indicate that in the frequency range from 1.64 GHz to 9 GHz, the reflection coefficient of the antenna is less than -6 dB, and in the work frequency band, the average gain value is over 8.2 dB. The antenna gain will be improved greatly by extending the length of the dielectric slab appropriately (in the main radiation direction) without influencing the bandwidth. The measured and simulated results have a good consistency. This antenna will have wide application in the UWB field.
Shu Lin, Xing-Qi Zhang, Xin-Yue Zhang, and Yu Tian, "Printed TEM Horn Antenna Fed by Balanced Microstrip Line," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 34, 247-262, 2011.

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