Vol. 40
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Design of Microwave Devices Exploiting Fibonacci and Hybrid Periodic/Fibonacci One Dimensional Photonic Crystals
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 40, 221-240, 2012
We report the transmission response of generalized Fibonacci photonic crystal Fl(m,n) in microwave domain for normal incidence, where l is the generation number, and m and n are parameters of the Fibonacci distribution. The transmission spectra are calculated through the transfer matrix method and studied by varying the Fibonacci parameters. The structure is exploited to design a microwave mirror with large photonic band gap and polychromatic stop band filters. Therefore, other structure configurations based on the generalized Fibonacci system are proposed. A juxtaposition of p multilayer systems built according to Fibonacci distribution [Fl(m,n)]p makes possible to have switches like property (off-on-off-on-off-on-…). Then, an hybrid structure which is obtained by sandwiching p stacks of generalized Fibonacci photonic crystal between two periodic photonic crystals is proposed to enlarge the photonic band gap in microwave domain.
Abir Mouldi, and Mounir Kanzari, "Design of Microwave Devices Exploiting Fibonacci and Hybrid Periodic/Fibonacci One Dimensional Photonic Crystals," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 40, 221-240, 2012.

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