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Wire Troubleshooting and Diagnosis: Review and Perspectives
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 49, 253-279, 2013
Electrical cables of all types are subject to aggressive environments that can create defects or accelerate aging. Many application domains require diagnosis methods and tools. Among many methods, reflectometry has proven to be the best candidate and can be easily applied to the detection and localization of hard defects, while only requiring one access point to the wire. But soft defects are more difficult to track and require new powerful methods. This paper presents a review of the recent state of the art in the field of wired network diagnosis and shows the evolution of future activities in this domain. It provides new perspectives and new research domains are proposed.
Fabrice Auzanneau, "Wire Troubleshooting and Diagnosis: Review and Perspectives," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 49, 253-279, 2013.

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