Vol. 51
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Effect of Radiofrequency Heating on the Dielectric and Physical Properties of Eggs
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 51, 201-220, 2013
Eggs are one of the most nutritious foods available in nature. This rich nutritive environment attracts microbes to invade, feed and multiply. Salmonella enteritidis is one such microbe that is highly pathogenic and is the causative agent for the disease salmonellosis. To ensure safety of eggs, processing them without affecting their unique physical properties is essential. In this study, the impact of radiofrequency (RF) heating on the dielectric properties (dielectric constant and dielectric loss factor) of the egg at varying temperatures (5°C-56°C) and frequency (10 MHz-3 GHz) is evaluated. This study on the dielectric parameters is essential to devise a better heating paradigm wherein there is minimal detrimental effect to the egg components. Based on the dielectric study, the heating process parameters were determined. The effect of such heat treatment on the physical properties viz. Viscosity, foam density, foam stability and turbidity of the egg white were also studied. This study was conducted to provide sufficient literature and experimental background for employing RF in pasteurization of in-shell eggs. This study showed that if careful process parameter optimization and meticulous equipment design is done, RF heating can be successfully employed to pasteurize in-shell eggs.
Shrikalaa Kannan, Satyanarayan R. S. Dev, Yvan Gariepy, and Vijaya G. S. Raghavan, "Effect of Radiofrequency Heating on the Dielectric and Physical Properties of Eggs," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 51, 201-220, 2013.

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