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2D Fdtlm Hybridization with Modal Method
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 55, 23-44, 2013
This article focuses on the 2D hybrid technique between the Frequency Domain Transmission Line Matrix Method (FDTLM) and the Wave Concept Iterative Procedure (WCIP). 3D hybridization has already been studied, but results may be improved through a better knowledge of method order. Consequently, developing 2D hybridization aims at understanding the hybridization in simplest problems, especially because Transverse Electric (TE) and Transverse Magnetic (TM) are uncoupled. Our study dwells on accuracy and convergence order of the 2D hybrid method, which will help for 3D mesh use. In this perspective, the scattering nodes and electromagnetic elds expressions are established in the 2D general case with anisotropic materials. As a result, validation examples are presented to check the approach.
Caroline Girard, Asmaa Zugari, and Nathalie Raveu, "2D Fdtlm Hybridization with Modal Method," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 55, 23-44, 2013.

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