Vol. 55
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Current Distribution and Input Impedance of a Strip Loop Antenna Located on the Surface of a Circular Column Filled with a Resonant Magnetoplasma
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 55, 241-256, 2013
We study the electrodynamic characteristics of a strip loop antenna located on the surface of a circular column filled with a resonant magnetoplasma and surrounded by a homogeneous isotropic background medium. The antenna current is excited by a time-harmonic voltage creating an electric field with the azimuthal component in a narrow gap on the strip surface. It is shown that the current distribution and input impedance of such an antenna are strongly influenced by the presence of an infinite number of propagating quasielectrostatic modes that are guided by a column containing a resonant magnetoplasma.
Alexander V. Kudrin, Anna S. Zaitseva, Tatyana Zaboronkova, and Sergej S. Zilitinkevich, "Current Distribution and Input Impedance of a Strip Loop Antenna Located on the Surface of a Circular Column Filled with a Resonant Magnetoplasma," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 55, 241-256, 2013.

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