Vol. 55
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Technique for Inhomogeneous Profiles in the Cross-Section of the Helical Rectangular Waveguide
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 55, 257-276, 2013
This paper presents the technique to solve inhomogeneous profiles in the cross section of the helical rectangular waveguide. We present the technique to solve inhomogeneous dielectric profiles and the relation to the method of the propagation of electromagnetic fields along a helical waveguide with a rectangular cross section. The inhomogeneous examples will introduce for a dielectric slab, for a rectangular dielectric profile, and for a circular dielectric profile, in a rectangular metallic waveguide, in the cross section of the helical waveguide. This model is useful to improve the output results of the output power transmission in the cases of space helical waveguides, by increasing the step's angle or the radius of the cylinder. The application is useful for space helical waveguides in the microwave and the millimeter-wave regimes.
Zion Menachem, and Saad Tapuchi, "Technique for Inhomogeneous Profiles in the Cross-Section of the Helical Rectangular Waveguide," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 55, 257-276, 2013.

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