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Electrodynamic Characteristics of Horizontal Impedance Vibrator Located Over a Finite-Dimensional Perfectly Conducting Screen
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 63, 275-288, 2015
A problem of electromagnetic waves radiation by an impedance vibrator located over finite-dimensional perfectly conducting screen is solved. The vibrator may have surface impedance distributed over its length. The solution is derived using asymptotic expressions for the current in a horizontal impedance vibrator placed over an infinite plane, obtained by averaging method. The problem was solved provided that the diffracted fields from the edges of the screen have little effect on the vibrator current amplitude, i.e. if the screen dimensions are comparable to or larger than the wavelength. Full radiation fields in all observation space in the far zone were found by the uniform geometrical theory of diffraction. The vibrator dimensions, value and type of surface impedance, removing from the screen and screen sizes were used as parameters. The multivariable electrodynamic characteristics of the resonant impedance vibrators placed above an infinite plane and square screen were studied. Characteristics dependences upon the vibrator dimensions, value and type of the surface impedance, removing from the screen, and screen dimensions were obtained.
Nadezhda P. Yeliseyeva, Sergey L. Berdnik, Victor A. Katrich, and Mikhail Nesterenko, "Electrodynamic Characteristics of Horizontal Impedance Vibrator Located Over a Finite-Dimensional Perfectly Conducting Screen," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 63, 275-288, 2015.

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