Vol. 63
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Electromagnetic Scattering Analysis for Two-Dimensional Gaussian Rough Surfaces with Texture Characteristics Using Small-Slope Approximation Method
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 63, 289-301, 2015
This paper is aimed at analyzing the electromagnetic (EM) scattering from the two-dimensional (2-D) Gaussian rough surfaces characterized by textures. Visual appearances of the stripe texture can be generated through the angle rotating in Fourier transform when the ratio of the correlation lengths in two directions is large enough. The scattering field is derived in Cartesian coordinate system through the small-slope approximation (SSA) method with plane incident wave. The normalized co-polarized radar cross section (NRCS) from 2-D Gaussian rough surface characterized by textures are calculated. In particular, several numerical results show the influences of incident angle, texture angle, correlation length, and root-mean-square height on the scattering from the textured rough surface. Finally, the validity of the SSA method is verified by comparisons of theoretical value and measured data.
Rong-Qing Sun, Jing Xie, and Yang-Wei Zhang, "Electromagnetic Scattering Analysis for Two-Dimensional Gaussian Rough Surfaces with Texture Characteristics Using Small-Slope Approximation Method," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 63, 289-301, 2015.

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