Vol. 76
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Motion of Small Spherical Particles in an Arbitrary Oriented Cluster Due to the Microwave Propagation
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 76, 97-110, 2017
The electromagnetic (EM) waves influence substances involved in the propagation medium which leads to deviation or modification. Atomic stresses and strains caused by EM radiation make electromagnetic waves able to stir small particles by exertion of Lorentz force on them which is employed to deviate particles in this paper. The particles are considered as millimeter and micrometer-sized spheres with random electrical properties. Generalized Multi-Particle Mie theory (GMMT) is used to calculate scattering parameters such as Radar Cross Section for aggregates of arbitrarily oriented particles. The direction of motion caused by exerted Lorentz force on particles is accurately obtained in terms of Discrete Dipole Approximation (DDA). A bulk model based on Effective Medium Theory is designed to analyze the scattering parameters of particles, much smaller than incident wavelength. Application of this model is validated by several simulations. The profile of arbitrary incident wave and its amplitude and polarization effects on deviation are investigated, respectively. Numerical results are derived for various arbitrary orientations and different electromagnetic conditions.
Aslan Nouri Moqadam, Ali Pourziad, and Saeid Nikmehr, "Motion of Small Spherical Particles in an Arbitrary Oriented Cluster Due to the Microwave Propagation," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 76, 97-110, 2017.

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