Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
University of Michigan
HomepageDepartment of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
University of Michigan
Homepage1. Entekhabi, D., E. G. Njoku, P. E. O’Neill, K. H. Kellogg, W. T. Crow, W. N. Edelstein, et al. "The Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission," Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 98, 704-716, May 2010.
2. Jackson, T. J. and T. J. Schmugge, "Vegetation effects on the microwave emission of soils," Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol. 36, 203-212.
3. Monerris, A. and T. Schmugge, "Soil moisture estimation using L-band radiometry," Advances in Geoscience and Remote Sensing, InTech, 2009.
4. Ulaby, F. T., D. G. Long, W. J. Blackwell, C. Elachi, A. K. Fung, C. Ruf, et al. Microwave Radar and Radiometric Remote Sensing, University of Michigan Press, 2014.
5. Entekhabi, D., S. Yueh, P. O’Neill, and K. Kellogg, SMAP Handbook, 400-1567, JPL Publication JPL, 2014.
6. Kerr, Y. H. and E. G. Njoku, "A semiempirical model for interpreting microwave emission from semiarid land surfaces as seen from space," IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 28, 384-393, 1990.
7. Jackson, T. and T. Schmugge, "Vegetation effects on the microwave emission of soils," Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol. 36, 203-212, 1991.
8. Tsang, L., J. A. Kong, and R. T. Shin, Theory of Microwave Remote Sensing, Wiley, 1985.
9. Oh, Y., K. Sarabandi, and F. T. Ulaby, "Semi-empirical model of the ensemble-averaged differential Mueller matrix for microwave backscattering from bare soil surfaces," IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 40, 1348-1355, Jun. 2002.
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11. Huang, S. and L. Tsang, "Electromagnetic scattering of randomly rough soil surfaces based on numerical solutions of Maxwell equations in three-dimensional simulations using a hybrid UV/PBTG/SMCG method," IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 50, 4025-4035, 2012.
12. Kim, S. B., L. Tsang, J. T. Johnson, S. Huang, J. J. van Zyl, and E. G. Njoku, "Soil moisture retrieval using time-series radar observations over bare surfaces," IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 50, 1853-1863, May 2012.
13. Kim, S.-B., M. Moghaddam, L. Tsang, M. Burgin, X. Xu, and E. G. Njoku, "Models of L-band radar backscattering coefficients over global terrain for soil moisture retrieval," IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 52, 1381-1396, 2014.
14. McNairn, H., T. J. Jackson, G. Wiseman, S. Belair, A. Berg, P. Bullock, et al. "The Soil Moisture Active Passive Validation Experiment 2012 (SMAPVEX12): Prelaunch calibration and validation of the SMAP soil moisture algorithms," IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 53, 2784-2801, 2015.
15. Bolten, J. D., V. Lakshmi, and E. G. Njoku, "Soil moisture retrieval using the passive/active L- and S-band radar/radiometer," IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 41, 2792-2801, Dec. 2003.
16. Bindlish, R., T. Jackson, R. J. Sun, M. Cosh, S. Yueh, and S. Dinardo, "Combined passive and active microwave observations of soil moisture during CLASIC," IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 6, 644-648, Oct. 2009.
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28. Huang, S. W., L. Tsang, E. G. Njoku, and K. S. Chan, "Backscattering coefficients, coherent reflectivities, and emissivities of randomly rough soil surfaces at L-band for SMAP applications based on numerical solutions of maxwell equations in three-dimensional simulations," IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 48, 2557-2568, Jun. 2010.
29. Njoku, E. G. and D. Entekhabi, "Passive microwave remote sensing of soil moisture," Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 184, 101-–129, Oct. 1, 1996.
30. Colliander, A., E. G. Njoku, T. J. Jackson, S. Chazanoff, H. McNairn, and J. Powers, "Retrieving soil moisture for non-forested areas using PALS radiometer measurements in SMAPVEX12 field campaign," Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol. 184, 86-100, Oct. 2016.
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33. Colliander, A., T. Jackson, H. McNairn, S. Chazanoff, S. Dinardo, B. Latham, et al. "Comparison of airborne Passive and Active L-band System (PALS) brightness temperature measurements to SMOS observations during the SMAP Validation Experiment 2012 (SMAPVEX12)," IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 12, 801-805, Apr. 2015.
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36. Cosh, M. H., T. J. Jackson, R. Bindlish, J. S. Famiglietti, and D. Ryu, "Calibration of an impedance probe for estimation of surface soil water content over large regions," Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 311, 49-58, Sep. 15, 2005.
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38. Huang, H., S.-B. Kim, L. Tsang, X. Xu, T.-H. Liao, T. J. Jackson, et al. "Coherent model of L-band radar scattering by soybean plants: Model development, evaluation, and retrieval," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Vol. 9, No. 1, 272-284, Jan. 2016.
39. Njoku, E. G. and J. A. Kong, "Theory for passive microwave remote-sensing of near-surface soilmoisture," Transactions-American Geophysical Union, Vol. 58, 554-554, 1977.
40. Huang, H., L. Tsang, E. G. Njoku, A. Colliander, T.-H. Liao, and K.-H. Ding, "Propagation and scattering by a layer of randomly distributed dielectric cylinders using monte carlo simulations of 3D Maxwell equations with applications in microwave interactions with vegetation," IEEE Access, Vol. 5, 11985-12003, 2017.