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Plane Wave Scattering by a PEC Half-Plane in Uniform Rectilinear Motion
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 89, 111-132, 2020
Scattering of homogeneous plane waves by a Perfect Electric Conductor half-plane in uniform rectilinear motion in a simple lossless medium is investigated using Wiener-Hopf Technique in the context of Hertzian Electrodynamics. The cases of motion being parallel and perpendicular to the plane are tackled separately. Restrictions on incidence angle vs. speed for the realization of scattering phenomena are investigated in each case. Parallel motion mode reveals the possibility of excitation of surface waves upon reflection, which also contribute to edge diffraction mechanism. Numerical results are illustrated and discussed for scattered fields. Comparative theoretical results for the solution of the same problem using Special Relativity Theory are provided and discussed.
Ramazan Daşbaşı, and Burak Polat, "Plane Wave Scattering by a PEC Half-Plane in Uniform Rectilinear Motion," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 89, 111-132, 2020.

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