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Linear and Circular Array Optimization: a Study Using Particle Swarm Intelligence
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 15, 347-373, 2009
Linear and circular arrays are optimized using the particle swarm optimization (PSO) method. Also, arrays of isotropic and cylindrical dipole elements are considered. The parameters of isotropic arrays are elements excitation amplitude, excitation phase and locations, while for dipole array the optimized parameters are elements excitation amplitude, excitation phase, location, and length. PSO is a high-performance stochastic evolutionary algorithm used to solve N-dimensional problems. The method of PSO is used to determine a set of parameters of antenna elements that provide the goal radiation pattern. The effectiveness of PSO for the design of antenna arrays is shown by means of numerical results. Comparison with other methods is made whenever possible. The results reveal that design of antenna arrays using the PSO method provides considerable enhancements compared with the uniform array and the synthesis obtained from other optimization techniques.
Majid M. Khodier, and Mohammad Al-Aqeel, "Linear and Circular Array Optimization: a Study Using Particle Swarm Intelligence," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 15, 347-373, 2009.

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