Vol. 36
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A Hierarchical Tree Shaped Power Distribution Network Based on Constructal Theory for EBG Structure Power Plane
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 36, 173-191, 2012
In this paper, a tree-shaped power distribution network is designed based on constructal theory for planar EBG structure power plane on PCB, in order to optimize DC performance. Planar EBG structures suppress noise, and the network provides currents to them. This network is composed of hierarchical metal paths. The geometric parameters can be optimized based on the concept of constructal theory. The optimal performance consists of constructing the given area in a sequence of building blocks from the smallest size toward larger sizes hierarchically. In the meantime, a PCB power plane is developed with 2nd order tree-shaped constructal network. Analysis illustrates that EBG power plane with constructal tree shaped network has multifunctions of low voltage drop, current equidistribution and effective noise isolation.
Hui-Fen Huang, Shi-Yun Liu, and Wei Guo, "A Hierarchical Tree Shaped Power Distribution Network Based on Constructal Theory for EBG Structure Power Plane," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 36, 173-191, 2012.

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