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Vol. 108, 139-149, 2024
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Stochastic Investigation of the Input Impedance of Vertical, Horizontal, and Arbitrarily Oriented Elementary Dipoles in Proximity to a Perfectly Conducting OR Dielectric Ground
Aikaterini Mangou, George P. Veropoulos, Constantinos Vlachos and Panagiotis Papakanellos
Antennas operating in the close vicinity of obstacles or scatterers behave much different from isolated antennas radiating in free space. To assess such interactions in which a large number of parameters are involved (pertaining to the geometry, possible movement effects, and materials), stochastic models are often conceived and adopted so as to cope with innate uncertainties and to overcome the need for time-consuming parametric investigations. In this paper, an analytical stochastic approach is presented for the archetypical problems of the vertical, horizontal, and arbitrarily oriented dipole above a semi-infinite ground (either perfectly conducting or dielectric). The analysis focuses on how the input impedance of the dipole is affected by the existence of the ground plane when the distance or the angle between them varies in accordance with some certain probability distributions. Approximate closed-form expressions are obtained for the probability distributions of the input resistance and reactance separately, which can directly yield the respective moments and variances (and potentially other quantitative measures) and are useful for characterizing the probabilistic behavior of the dipole and its interaction with the ground. Representative numerical results are presented aiming at the validation of the proposed model and the investigation of the probabilistic behavior of the impedance change. Finally, a few concluding remarks are outlined, and possible extensions to real-world problems are discussed.
Stochastic Investigation of the Input Impedance of Vertical, Horizontal, and Arbitrarily Oriented Elementary Dipoles in Proximity to a Perfectly Conducting or Dielectric Ground
Vol. 108, 121-137, 2024
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Implementation of Fractal Metamaterial Inspired Antenna for Multi-Standard Wireless Applications
Hareetaa Mallani, Archana Agrawal and Ritesh Kumar Saraswat
In this article, a fractal slotted metamaterial inspired multiband antenna for wireless communication applications is presented. The proposed structure incorporates the fractal formation of a radiating patch attached with metamaterial SRR cell and rectangular slotted partial ground plane to cover multiple wireless standards. The antenna is printed on FR4 epoxy substrate material having the thickness of 1.6 mm and relative permittivity of 4.4. The antenna has compactness in size as 37×22×1.6 mm3 and achieves five wireless communication modes, including S band (2.4 GHz; WLAN: IEEE 802.11g), S band (3.65 GHz; WiMAX: IEEE 802.16e), C band (5.0/5.8 GHz; WLAN: IEEE 802.11a/j), X-Band (Satellite communication, radar, terrestrial broadband, space communication), 5G NR bands (n41: 2.496-2.690 GHz, n46: 5.15-5.925 GHz, n47: 5.855-5.925 GHz, n53: 2.483-2.495 GHz, n102: 5.925-6.425), and Lower Ku band (Molecular rational spectroscopy). The antenna also showcases consistent radiation characteristics, gain, and efficiency across resonant bands crucial for obtained resonant bands regarding multi-standard wireless applications. It attains an optimized peak gain of 4.38 dBi and a radiation efficiency of 86.23%.
Implementation of Fractal Metamaterial Inspired Antenna for Multi-standard Wireless Applications
Vol. 108, 105-119, 2024
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A Multifunctional Antenna with High Isolation for Interweave and Underlay Operation in Cognitive Radio
Praveen Singh Rathore, Ravi Mali, Rajkumar Jatav and Manoj Kumar Meshram
This paper presents a multifunctional antenna with high isolation for interweave and underlay cognitive radio (CR) applications. The proposed antenna consist of an ultra-wideband (UWB) antenna (ANT1) for sensing and communication in UWB spectrum range and a frequency reconfigurable antenna (ANT2) for communication over frequency ranges from 3 to 3.7 GHz and 3.8 to 5.6 GHz. The proposed antenna is designed on an FR-4 substrate 50 × 65 × 1.6 mm3 with a shared ground plane. A square slot and a rectangular stub is introduced in the ground plane to achieve -10 dB wide impedance bandwidth and good isolation over the frequency range of 1.8 to 12 GHz. An underlay CR operation is attained with a UWB ANT1 with reconfigurable band notch of 2.76 to 3.7 GHz by introducing a U-shaped slot. The interweave operation is obtained by incorporating ANT1 and ANT2 in a same substrate. ANT1 without notch band is used for sensing spectrum and ANT2 with reconfigurable frequency is used for communication. The proposed antenna attains both interweave and underlay operations with inter-port isolation greater than 17 dB all over the proposed UWB and communication band.
A Multifunctional Antenna with High Isolation for Interweave and Underlay Operation in Cognitive Radio
Vol. 108, 89-104, 2024
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Comparative Analysis of Direct Torque Control with Space Vector Modulation (DTC-SVM) and Finite Control Set-Model Predictive Control (FCS-MPC) of Five-Phase Induction Motors
Abdelfattah Hoggui, Ali Benachour, Mohamed Chafaa Madaoui and Mohand Oulhadj Mahmoudi
This study presents a comparative analysis of Direct Torque Control with Space Vector Modulation (DTC-SVM) and Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control (FCS-MPC) applied to five-phase induction motors. Five-phase induction motors offer enhanced performance, reliability, and efficiency over traditional three-phase motors, making them suitable for high-reliability applications. The performance of DTC-SVM and FCS-MPC is evaluated through experimental implementation on a 3.5 kW five-phase induction motor, focusing on both dynamic response during speed reference changes and load variations, and static response, under steady-state conditions, as well as energy quality, specifically stator voltage and current. Experimental results show that FCS-MPC provides superior dynamic response, effectively managing speed changes and load variations, while DTC-SVM, owing to its fixed switching frequency, excels at reducing torque ripple and minimizing stator current harmonics. The choice between DTC-SVM and FCS-MPC depends on the application's needs, weighing dynamic performance, torque stability, and harmonic content. This study provides valuable insights for optimizing five-phase induction motor control and encourages future research to refine these methods or develop hybrid approaches that combine their strengths.
Comparative Analysis of Direct Torque Control with Space Vector Modulation (DTC-SVM) and Finite Control Set-Model Predictive Control (FCS-MPC) of Five-phase Induction Motors
Vol. 108, 75-88, 2024
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Dual Band Rectenna for Electromagnetic Energy Harvesting at 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz Frequencies
Lalbabu Prasad, Harish Chandra Mohanta and Ahmed Jamal Abdullah Al-Gburi
This work investigates low-power electromagnetic energy harvesting at 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz using an elementary rectangular patch rectenna along with a step-up DC-DC boost converter. The receiving antenna is optimized to 50 Ω impedance by tuning parasitic ground plane stubs in the resonating frequencies. The return loss and gain of the proposed antenna are -30.19 dB, -31.02 dB and 2.45 dBi, 4.84 dBi at 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz respectively. A single-stage Greinacher voltage multiplier with a compact dual-band pi-model matching circuit is proposed as a rectifier. The rectenna is manufactured on an FR4 substrate, and the measured performance is in good agreement with the simulated results. The transformation efficiency of more than 40% is noticed in the wide input-power range from -12 dBm to 5 dBm. The maximum efficiency of 50% and DC output voltage of 1.57 V at 0 dBm input power with 5.1 KΩ optimized load resistance is noticed when the RF source and rectenna are 46 cm apart. The proposed rectenna with a DC-DC boost converter can drive the LED indicator and wall clock simultaneously. The prototype rectenna is suitable for energizing low-power sensor nodes in IOT and WSN applications.
Dual Band Rectenna for Electromagnetic Energy Harvesting at 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz Frequencies
Vol. 108, 61-73, 2024
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A Symmetric Shifted Coprime Array for Localization of Mixed Near Field and Far Field Sources: Reduced Mutual Coupling Effect
Yiming Guo, Tao Zang, Fengtong Mei, Qian Liu and Linzi Li
Sparse arrays have the technical advantages of large equivalent aperture, high degrees of freedom (DOFs), and low mutual coupling leakage. In this article, a novel symmetric sparse array, termed as symmetric shifted coprime array (SSCA), is proposed for the localization of both the far field and near-field of sources. It can be generated in two steps. Firstly, the second subarray of the traditional coprime array is shifted by a appropriate distance, and secondly, the entire array is flipped. By translating, the proposed array provides increased DOFs and enhanced ability to resist heavy levels of mutual coupling. Meanwhile, the symmetric structure of the array can be ensured by flipping to solve the parameter estimation of mixed fields. We provide an analytical expression for the proposed array and also derive its DOFs and weight functions. The first three weight functions of SSCA are equal to 2, indicating that the SSCA improves the ability to resist mutual coupling. Numerical results show that the proposed array is superior to existing sparse arrays for both direction of arrival (DOA) and range estimations.
A Symmetric Shifted Coprime Array for Localization of Mixed Near Field and Far Field Sources: Reduced Mutual Coupling Effect
Vol. 108, 47-59, 2024
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Nonlinear Microwave Device LabVIEW Automatic Test Bench: Double-Frequency IMD3 Characterization
Xin Cheng, Fayu Wan, Vladimir Mordachev, Eugene Sinkevich, Xiaohe Chen and Blaise Ravelo
The active component nonlinear (NL) effect causes undesirable RF and microwave system electromagnetic interference (EMI) problems which penalizes the communication system performance by signal distortion. Therefore, a relevant NL component measurement method is needed to predict the transceiver system EMI effect. However, the NL measurement characterization of RF and microwave active devices remains a fastidious and time cost task. An innovative NL test bench automatized by LabVIEW® control interface is featured in this research work. The design technique of the NL test methodology is described. The developed automatic test bench is tested with a microwave power amplifier (PA) operating at 2.4 GHz based on double-frequency (DF) method. The experimental test setup including the LabVIEW® test control parametrization and data acquisition is described. The test bench effectiveness was assessed by the third-order intermodulation (IMD3) PA measurement with DF method. The theoretically calculated and measured IMD3 amplitudes based on DF input signal are in very good correlation. Thanks to its advantages in terms of simplicity, flexibility, and time cost, the innovative NL automatic test bench is very useful for transceiver system EMI analyses.
Nonlinear Microwave Device LabVIEW Automatic Test Bench: Double-frequency IMD3 Characterization
Vol. 108, 31-45, 2024
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Design and Optimization of Integrated Symmetrical Coil Structure for Dynamic Wireless Power Transmission System for Autonomous Rail Rapid Transit
Yu Cheng, Wei Shi, Zhongqi Li, Jianbin Wang and Zhenhui Wu
In this paper, to address the low transmission efficiency problem caused by large magnetic leakage and insufficient anti-deviation performance, an integrated symmetrical coil (ISC) structure is proposed. The ISC structure eliminates the need for an external active shielding coil to counteract the leaked magnetic field, and enhances anti-offset performance by utilizing an integrated coil. Additionally, a deep learning-based method for optimizing the coil structure is employed to determine the optimal parameters. The theoretical simulation is validated using Maxwell software, and based on this, the design and parameters of the ferrite structure are adjusted to improve the magnetic shielding effect and transmission efficiency of the coil. Subsequently, a 2 kW prototype experiment is conducted to validate the findings. Results indicate that when the ISC structure is offset by 200 mm in the X-direction, the research demonstrates that the coupling coefficient fluctuation remains below 5%, achieving a transmission efficiency of up to 96.37%. Furthermore, the magnetic leakage is significantly reduced to below 27 μT at 800 mm on both sides of the door in the X-direction.
Design and Optimization of Integrated Symmetrical Coil Structure for Dynamic Wireless Power Transmission System for Autonomous Rail Rapid Transit
Vol. 108, 17-30, 2024
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A Microwave Subsystem (MS) Capable of Realizing Functional Change with the Aid of 2D-Shaped Liquid Metal (LM)
Xiaochuan Fang, Shaker Alkaraki and James Robert Kelly
This paper presents the first microwave subsystem (MS) capable of changing its function, in this case between resonator and antenna, using liquid metal (LM). This is achieved by filling/emptying fluidic channels with Gallium-based LM and forming LM into different 2D shapes. The manufactured prototype of the proposed MS performs as a slot antenna, when the fluidic channels are empty of LM. On the other hand, it operates in resonator mode, when the fluidic channels are filled with LM. We also connected two MSs along with a microstrip resonator to realize functional change between complex functions i.e., antenna and filter. The proposed connection of MSs can act as a filter when the fluidic channels are filled with LM or as an antenna when LM is withdrawn from the fluidic channels. When operating in the antenna mode the proposed connection of MSs provides a measured peak realized gain of 7.23 dBi and a simulated total efficiency of 84%. When operating in the filter mode the connection of MSs provides a band pass response and exhibits a minimum insertion loss of 1.9 dB, within the passband. The filters 10 dB return loss bandwidth, of 340 MHz, ranges from 2.28 GHz to 2.62 GHz.
A Microwave Subsystem (MS) Capable of Realizing Functional Change with the Aid of 2D-shaped Liquid Metal (LM)
Vol. 108, 1-16, 2024
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A Structured Basis to Determine Equivalent Dielectric Properties of Homogeneous Phantom Liquid Representing Multilayer Biological Tissues for SAR Measurement
Ardhendu Kundu, Kaushik Patra, Bhaskar Gupta and Amirul Islam Mallick
In today's era of wireless communication, interaction of electromagnetic energy and living biological systems is unavoidable - both in far field and in near field of the radiating antenna. Consequent basic safety limits on radiation levels are enforced through Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) limits. Practical measurement and validation of these SAR values require the deployment of phantom models containing tissue equivalent dielectric liquids - these liquids are conventionally single layer and homogeneous in nature. However, structured basis to formulate these custom made homogeneous phantom liquids representing arbitrary combinations of stacked tissue layers has not been properly reported in literature. To address the issue, this paper develops and illustrates a novel structured technique to define equivalent permittivity and loss tangent of homogeneous phantom liquid representing arbitrary combinations of stacked tissue layers - both in far field and in near field exposure scenarios. Electric field distribution and later on point SAR distribution inside different tissue layers have been attempted to replicate as closely as possible using equivalent homogeneous phantom liquid with properly tuned permittivity and loss tangent values. The fitting procedure involves minimization of the absolute/normalized maximum difference (of electric field and point SAR) between the original multilayer tissue and the modelled single layer homogeneous equivalent. This generalized technique is applied to two distinct multilayer (four layers are considered) biological models at 2.45 GHz where one is composed of four layers of equal thicknesses while the other one has four layers with unequal thicknesses. Moreover, the proposed technique has been tested and validated in the two abovementioned multilayer biological models for both far field (plane wave irradiation) and near field (in close proximity to antenna) exposure scenarios. This technique is quite successful in achieving equivalent dielectric liquids in which original point SAR data and its overall distribution across different layers can be realistically replicated while attempting point wise matching at several spatial points. In some cases, the original electric field/point SAR values are achieved with reduced precision near layer interfaces with significant dielectric contrast. Thus, the proposed technique can significantly contribute to accurately measure, validate and reflect the true spatial SAR distributions in original multilayer biological models using the derived homogeneous tissue equivalent phantom liquids.
A Structured Basis to Determine Equivalent Dielectric Properties of Homogeneous Phantom Liquid Representing Multilayer Biological Tissues for SAR Measurement