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Small Size Ka-Band Distributed MEMS Phase Shifters Using Inductors
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 1, 95-113, 2008
MEMS phase shifter has been developed using inductors. The design consists of a CPW line capacitively and inductively loaded by the periodic set of inductors and electrostatic force actuated MEMS switches as capacitors. By applying a single bias voltage on the line, the characteristic impedance can be changed, which in turn changes the phase velocity of the line and creates a true time delay phase shift. The governing equations for the impedance and loss are derived. The ABCD matrix is defined for a unit cell and multi-cell DMTL phase shifter to extract scattering parameters equations. The MEMS switch is actuated by a 39 voltage waveform using a high resistance bias line. Estimated spring constant and switching time is 22 N/m and 3 μs, respectively. The structure is designed for Ka-band frequency range. The acceptable frequency range for the design containing 21 cells is between 26 GHz and 27 GHz and optimum condition occurs at 26.3 GHz. For the whole structure and optimum condition the un actuated position results in a return loss -16 dB and insertion loss of -1.65 dB. The actuated position results in a return loss -12.5 dB and insertion loss of -1.6 dB. The phase shift for the whole structure is 190 degree. The optimum condition can be easily changed by modifying the design parameters. The spacing in the proposed structures is S = 250 μm. The structure is also low loss. The length and the loss per bit with the phase shift of 270 are decreased by 37.5 percent and 21 percent respectively.
Saeid Afrang, and Burhanuddin Yeop Majlis, "Small Size Ka-Band Distributed MEMS Phase Shifters Using Inductors," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 1, 95-113, 2008.

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