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Numerical Study of Goos-h änchen Shift on the Surface of Anisotropic Left-Handed Materials
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 2, 151-164, 2008
The Goos-Hanchen shift on the surface when an optical beam is obliquely incident from one isotropic right-handed material (RHM) into another biaxial anisotropic left-handed material (BALHM) is numerically studied with the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method based on the Drude dispersive models. The analytical expression of the Goos-Hanchen shift is firstly presented, moreo ver the condition for the existence and the sign of the Goos-Hanchen shift are also discussed. According to the theoretical analysis,sev eral sets of constitutive parameters of BA-LHM are considered. The simulated results are in agreement with theoretical results, which validate the theoretical analysis.
Wei Ding, Liang Chen, and Chang-Hong Liang, "Numerical Study of Goos-h änchen Shift on the Surface of Anisotropic Left-Handed Materials," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 2, 151-164, 2008.

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