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Diffraction of Hybrid Modes in a Cylindrical Cavity Resonator by a Transverse Circular Slot with a Plane Anisotropic Dielectric Layer
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 3, 73-94, 2008
A rigorous solution of the homogeneous Maxwell equations for hybrid modes of a microwave cylindrical cavity with a transverse annular slot in the perfectly conducting walls of arbitrary thickness and a plane infinite anisotropic dielectric passing through the slot is constructed based on eigenfunction expansion. In each of the field existence regions (the cavity itself, the interior of a slot and outer space), the field solution is constructed as a superposition of natural piecewise harmonic and exponential modes that allow for reflection and refraction at the plane boundaries of the dielectric.The dependence of the complex wave number of free oscillations of a resonant system on its geometrical parameters and on complex permittivity of the dielectric is investigated. It is shown that a cylindrical cavity with a transverse annular slot is a stable and high-sensitive system for online measuring of dielectric parameters.
Peter Kukharchik, Vladimir Serdyuk, and Joseph Titovitsky, "Diffraction of Hybrid Modes in a Cylindrical Cavity Resonator by a Transverse Circular Slot with a Plane Anisotropic Dielectric Layer," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 3, 73-94, 2008.

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