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Performance Analysis of a High Data Rate UWB-Dtr System in Dense Multipath Channels
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 5, 119-131, 2008
In this paper, a high data rate Ultra-Wideband Differential Transmitted-Reference (UWB-DTR) system which is one of the best and simplest available TR scheme is analyzed over IEEE 802.15.3a Channel Model 1 (CM1). We show that these systems need equalization in high data rate mode of operation because in such a case harsh nonlinear inter symbol interference (ISI) exists and degrades performance severely. The performance of the DTR system in CM1 is derived both analytically and via simulations by taking into account noise, inter path/pulse interference (IPI), and ISI. Uniform approximation for ISI distribution is proposed for the first time which gives a closer approximation than Gaussian one. All simulation and analytical results are obtained for CM1 but generalization to other channel models is also possible.
Hassan Khani, and Paeiz Azmi, "Performance Analysis of a High Data Rate UWB-Dtr System in Dense Multipath Channels," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 5, 119-131, 2008.

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