Vol. 16
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Electromagnetic Field of a Horizontal Electric Dipole Buried in a Four-Layered Region
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 16, 247-275, 2009
In this paper, the electromagnetic field of a horizontal electric dipole buried in a four-layered region is treated in detail. The region of interest consists of a perfect conductor, coated with the two-layered dielectrics under the air. Because of existing multi-reflections, the final representations of the six field components are much more complex. It is noted that the trapped surface wave and the lateral wave along the boundary between the air and the upper dielectric layer and those along the boundary between the two dielectric layers are included. Analysis and computations have some practical applications in microstrip antenna with super substrate.
Yun Long Lu, Yin-Lin Wang, Yi Hui Xu, and Kai Li, "Electromagnetic Field of a Horizontal Electric Dipole Buried in a Four-Layered Region," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 16, 247-275, 2009.

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