Vol. 30
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Comparison Between Two Phase-Retrieval Methods for Electromagnetic Source Modeling
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 30, 239-253, 2011
Phase-retrieval from measured phaseless field data is of interest for various applications including electromagnetic dosimetry, electromagnetic compatibility investigations, near-field to far-field transformations and antenna diagnostics. In this study two phaseretrieval methods are compared. The first method, the adjoint field method, employs a gradient-based optimization algorithm based on the adjoint fields. The second method, the phase angle gradient method, uses an optimization algorithm based on the phase angle gradients of a functional. The methods are tested with numerical test cases and the phase angle gradient method is found to retrieve the phase with the best accuracy. Moreover it gives results that agree well with correct phase.
Markus Johansson, Andreas Fhager, Hoi-Shun Lui, and Mikael Persson, "Comparison Between Two Phase-Retrieval Methods for Electromagnetic Source Modeling," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 30, 239-253, 2011.

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