Vol. 37
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Accurate Calculation of the Right-of-Waywidth for Power Line Magnetic Field Impact Assessment
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 37, 343-364, 2012
In this work, approximate formulas are presented for computing the magnetic field intensity near electric power transmission lines. Original expressions are given for single circuit lines of any type of arrangement and double circuit lines in both super-bundle and low-reactance conductor phasing. These expressions can be used for assessing directly the Right-of-Way width of power lines related to maximum magnetic field exposure levels which may be efficiently used in environmental impact assessment. The accuracy of approximate formulas is demonstrated by comparison with exact formulas for computing the rms field distribution.
Federico Moro, and Roberto Turri, "Accurate Calculation of the Right-of-Waywidth for Power Line Magnetic Field Impact Assessment," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 37, 343-364, 2012.

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