Vol. 53
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Design of Linearity Improved Asymmetrical GaN Doherty Power Amplifier Using Composite Right/Left-Handed Transmission Lines
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 53, 89-106, 2013
A highly efficient asymmetrical GaN Doherty power amplifier using traditionalλ/4 transmission line and an asymmetrical GaN Doherty power amplifier(DPA) using composite right/left-handed transmission lines(CRLH-TL) for linearity improvement are presented in this paper.The CRLH-TL is designed to suppress the second harmonic of the output of the carrier amplifier. This DPA using CRLH-TL is designed for 3.5 GHz LTE-Advanced Application with 100 MHz bandwidth and 37 dBm average output power, the carrier and peaking amplifiers are fabricated with the same 30 W GaN HEMT and unevenly driven in purpose of maintaining high efficiency at back-off power (BOP) region. At 9-dB and 6-dB BOP, the DE achieves 30% and 40.1%, respectively, and the adjacent channel power ratio(ACPR) are less than-37.1 dBc for 40 MHz 16 QAM signal at 37 dBm. In addition, the further linearization of the DPA is realized by using digital pre-distortion(DPD), the ACPRs are improved to-49.6 dBc for 40 MHz 16 QAM signal.The measured results show linearity improvement compared with the traditional DPA.
Yunxuan Feng, Yuan'an Liu, Cuiping Yu, Shulan Li, Jiuchao Li, and Xuan Zheng, "Design of Linearity Improved Asymmetrical GaN Doherty Power Amplifier Using Composite Right/Left-Handed Transmission Lines," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 53, 89-106, 2013.

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