Vol. 59
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Linear Momentum Density of a General Lorentz-Gauss Vortex Beam in Free Space
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 59, 257-267, 2014
Based on the Collins integral, an analytical expression of a general Lorentz-Gauss vortex beam propagating in free space is derived, which allows one to calculate the linear momentum density of a general Lorentz-Gauss vortex beam in free space. The linear momentum density distribution of a general Lorentz-Gauss vortex beam propagating in free space is graphically demonstrated. The x- and y-components of the linear momentum density are composed of two lobes with the equivalent area and the opposite sign. Therefore, the overall x- and y-components of the linear momentum in an arbitrary reference plane are equal to zero. The longitudinal component of the linear momentum density is proportional to the intensity distribution. The influences of the Gaussian waist, the width parameters of the Lorentzian part, the axial propagation distance, and the topological charge on the linear momentum density distribution of a general Lorentz-Gauss vortex beam in free space are examined in detail.
Yiqing Xu, and Guoquan Zhou, "Linear Momentum Density of a General Lorentz-Gauss Vortex Beam in Free Space," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 59, 257-267, 2014.

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